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Sunday, 25 December 2011

UPSR-PMR-SPM-DIPLOMA-DEGREE-MASTER-PHD .... it is just another exam!

It's that time again!

Is it true that if your child got straight A's in their UPSR 5A, PMR 9A, SPM 17A ... does it really promise success in their future life? Scenario menilai results peperiksaan besar semakin menjadi-jadi di Malaysia kini, secara tak langsung meletakkan harapan, kerisauan dan BEBANAN yang amat tinggi kepada anak-anak zaman kini.

For me, we as parents surely want our children to succeed in their life. But we must realize, that these are their life and not ours. Do not mold their successes based on our dreams (or past nightmares!), let them succeed based on their dreams, goals, ability, creativity and gifts by Allah!

Lead them to the correct path based on our experiences, and not force them! Teach them how to think and how to make the choices ! Do not despair if they make the wrong choices, because it's not a failure ... but a process of learning ... learn not to make the wrong decision again! Not to fall at the same hole twice! Be supportive!

Chill out parents! If your child do not get straight A's. Do not be sad, but praise to Allah for what He has given to us. Allah knows best!  Be proud parents, regardless of what they achieve in their examinations.

Remember, this is just another exam ! It is not the end of the world if your child do not get any A's. The road to success is still far ahead! Learn from the past mistakes, look up and aim high!

For me as a parent, I will only emphasize on getting A's (80% and above) ... regardless of what number they will gain in their classes. If they can score top 10 in their classes, then it's a bonus for them. If not, so what ... they are all winners in their own way!  I'm proud of each and one of them ... what ever results they gain! Now and forever! Just try ur best, berdoa dan bertawakkal! Allah knows best for u!

Our examinations history as parents :

UPSR 4A(mth sc bm1 bm2) 1B (eng) (2008) + PMR 3A (mth sc agama) 4B (bm eng sej geo) 1C (kh) (2011)
+ spm (2013)

upsr 5a (mth sc bm1 bm2 eng)(2010) + pmr (2013)

BOY3: upsr  5a (2012)

BOY4: upsr (2015)
BOY5: upsr (2020)


  1. true..ada 4 5 orang member saya pmr dan spm teruk ...1 a pon takde...tapi bila masuk U, every sem 3.90. Ngeee!!!

    ada yang dari upsr sampai spm dapat straight a. tapi masuk U nak dapat 3.00 pon susah..org macam ni saya observe, depa kene spoon fed baru boleh faham apa yg depa belajar...depa bukan lembab, cuma tak biasa how to think independently..

  2. tu la, sama rakan2 sy pun gitu ... saya tak suka pressure sgt anak2 sebab saya rasa saya pun dulu bukan straight A's students pun , cgpa pun bukan tinggi sgt pun. Tapi Allah mmg permudahkan urusan belajar dan pekerjaan saya, satu persatu ... Saya ingat bila saya pi interview unt dapat biasiswa pi JPA untuk pi USA, kerana saya jurusan social science pilihan bidang mmg sukar. Saya pilih Math walaupun math saya tak ler score mane. Pi interview pun sy ingat siap orang tu nasihatkan saya 'adik balik nanti doa iye' ... punya ler slim nak dapat. Tapi alhamdulillah tawaran datang tanpa diduga, if not maybe dah masuk IIU kot sebb interviewer tu dah kata 'jumpa kat sana' '-) then lepas degree pun keje cam x menentu back in 1993, entah cam ner tak apply pun tetiba dapat offer buat msc/phd dalam astronomy under usm/jpa..pi2 interview mmg sy sorang jer yg dtg ...walaupun sy x de basic fizik pun, rezeki Allah tentukan. Alhamdulillah dapat. Hinggalah sekarang...rasa cam rezeki Allah beri tu dipermudahkan. Yg penting, bila kita buat sesuatu mestilah diiringi doa kepadaNya ... Dia tahu mane yg terbaik buat kita...BUKAN straight A's on d paper!

  3. Alhamdulillah murah rezeki puan...
    Masa saya belajar di mrsm, saya ada seorang abang senior yang sangat kagum kerana dia ada kelebihan tahan pressure untuk study straight 12 jam (not made up, true story..he can do it)..senior ni sangat pandai sampai every subject he scored above 90..habis spm dia sambung di uk ambil medic... still genius dia masih tak hilang time belajar di sana...baru2 ni dah dah past mrcp exam dan boleh claim sbagai dr specialist in malaysia.. the only thing i dissapointed with him is he has become free thinker since got back from UK.. totally kick out any religion...sayang kepandaian yg Allah bagi kat dia dibuat untuk study teori charles darwin, teori stepehen hawking and he becomes convinced god doesnt exists...sayang seribu kali sayang...

    payah juga kalo terlebih pandai ni kan puan?

    so kita teruskan dengan cara kita je la, bersederhana dalam apa jua perkara..tak score, pointer tak tinggi, english berterabur pon takper...yang penting sembahyang tak tinggal dan akhlak dijaga...
